daniel + Ellen

It was a Tuesday afternoon after a major snow storm. Daniel & Ellen were in town celebrating the holidays with family. Out of the blue, he messaged me and said, "Hey Sara, I know it's last minute, but we're in town until Saturday... do you have time for some engagement pictures?" I don't think I read the whole message before I had already responded "YES!" The conversation took off from there planning our time together. Daniel told me that Ellen was from Texas, so she thinks anything below 70 degrees is cold. I immediately prayed for her, ha! They were such troopers though. Following me through Fontenelle Hills to the perfect little location back in the woods. They wore their jackets and hats, but for a few photos they rocked their sweaters... and I wore their coats. (you know, so they wouldn't be laying in the snow) :) The quick 30 minute engagement session in the snow turned into one of my absolute favorites. Love them both & so happy for them!